About The Pursuit...
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord…” Psalm 150:6
At The Pursuit, we try to keep things simple…it’s relaxed but focused. Our service incorporates a time of heart-felt reverent worship and joyous praise songs. We’re intentional about having a worship service and not a worship experience; worship experiences seem to focus so much on what the person wants to experience rather than sincere worship to God.
We hear a sermon that is biblical, engaging, challenging and applicable. An altar call time is provided for people to pray alone, with someone else or with one of the pastors. Immediately following the service, our pastors and other church leaders are available for prayer needs or questions.
Please browse our Service Times and Directions and learn more about What We Believe, our Servant Leadership ,Vision Statement and finally, What to Expect if you visit.
No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!
No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!