“Jesus…said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you.” Mark 5:19
“I feel like God speaks to me through the message…
“It seems like every time I am in church or at a bible study, it seems like God is talking to me every time through the speaker. The message is so clear and understanding that it reaches out and slaps me in the face. The Pursuit Christian Fellowship has helped me to be able to deal with my sins verses holding on to them and dwelling on them. It is making me realize that I can’t do this on my own and I do need God’s help and His Church. The more I go and the more I educate myself with the bible, the more I see how important it is to have a church family and to pray every day and to be at every service. I have been involved in a church my entire life, but the closeness, love, support and strong Christian backgrounds is absolutely amazing. If you want help or need help The Pursuit is the way to go.”
“We see Christ’s love demonstrated on a regular basis…”
“After worshiping in a ministry that has a congregation that is several thousand members strong, it is refreshing to be involved with a ministry that knows one another personally. I served in the big ministry’s media department for over 15 years and the pastor did not even know my name. I love the Pursuit because it is like a family…a family that actively shows how they truly care about one another. We see Christ’s love demonstrated on a regular basis. I don’t believe you see love in action in most churches. Even though our congregation doesn’t have thousands of members we definitely have a big heart.”
“I’ve learned that showing up on Sunday is not enough…”
“Have you been going to church on Sunday just so you can check the box and be done with it? I asked Jesus to come into my life and change it many, many years ago. Years later not much had changed in my life. I asked myself, why am I not experiencing any of these great changes that the pastor is always talking about? I am going to church every week, I pray at night, I’m nice to other people…what am I doing wrong? Through the Pursuit Christian Fellowship I’ve learned that just showing up on Sunday is not good enough for our God. We need to be engaged with Him for anything real to happen. Like any other relationship it takes work, self-sacrifice, and a willingness to let God guide you. Pastor Rick has pushed me farther along in my relationship with God than I ever thought possible. He has taught me the fundamentals that every Christian needs through straight forward bible based sermons like you have never heard before. I cannot begin to explain the unbelievable changes I have experienced in my marriage, in my relationship with God, in my thoughts, and in my day to day life in such a short time. Even though I am a decades old Christian, I am in just the beginning stages of a real relationship with God and my pursuit to glorify him in every way possible. I’d encourage you to join us and let God open your eyes, as he has with mine, and be ready for real changes to take affect in your life too.”
“The Pursuit has helped me keep a right relationship with God…”
“This is the best time in my life. Knowing the Lord gives me the most wonderful feeling of peace to which nothing can compare. The feeling is unique. Only when you are ready to accept Him as Lord and Savior in your life can you accept He is in charge of your life. With the Lord, you will have an understanding of what it takes to solve our problems. We may have the answer, but we choose to ignore the Lord.
In the past, I always believed I was a loser, complaining about my problems, my marriage, etc. My true problem was because I was not walking with God. I have always been a nice person, but always have felt a certain degree of emptiness. I made the decision to stop complaining about my life, instead searching for the Word of God. As a result, my life is changing for the better in a way which also benefits my family. There is nothing better than to let God be in control. I am far from perfect, but have taken the first step to meet my Savior. He takes first priority in guiding my life now; He is in control rather than me. I need to stop worrying about the things I can’t change.
I am so happy to have found The Pursuit Christian Fellowship as they help me to keep a right relationship with God. They are my spiritual family, and there when I need them. I am going to The Pursuit also because I don’t have a tag of belonging to any denomination. Rather, I only belong to God. It is the most beautiful feeling to want to go to church every Sunday because I want to honor the Lord not just because I am looking for a group of friends to make me feel accepted. There is nothing wrong for me to have friends at church, but the main reason I go is to honor my Lord. Nothing can take His place. I am proud to be a Christian. I love all of my brothers and sisters. I have learned forgiveness is the most difficult thing to learn at the beginning, but when God reached my heart it is the most wonderful feeling you can imagine as I have learned to have compassion for others.”