What Does Next Year Hold for You?

     This happens every twelve months…

     We get to this time of the year where we begin making reference to what we’re going to do next year. Many people begin contemplating the changes that the new year will bring into their lives. What changes or improvements have you been thinking of?

     For most, it’s some type of character improvement, personal development, or disciplined routine that we’re looking to begin. From a spiritual perspective, it may be sharpening a spiritual gift or launching into a new ministry or calling. But have you ever stopped and asked yourself if what you’re embarking to do is a priority for God, or only a priority for you?

     Whenever we think about what God wants most from us, we immediately think of accomplishing some major task or acquiring some position or title. But God is not as interested in that as much as He’s interested in the very highest calling that we’re all called to…being conformed to the image of His Son.

     I know, that doesn’t sound like an impressive title, but it’s at the very top of God’s list and the forefront of His heart for our lives. The Book of Romans chapter 8 and verse 29 tells us that ‘For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…’.  Those few words are often overlooked, but are the pinnacle of everything that God desires for our lives…that in character and action, we look like Jesus!

      Our growing relationship with God should develop an instinctive yearning for moral righteousness. Our lives should reflect the purity and holiness of Christ. Paul wrote to the Corinthians and said ‘…let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God’, (2 Cor. 7:1).

     In the first chapter of Peter’s second letter, he writes, ‘His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life…’, (2 Peter 1:3a). In other words, God has provided us with His power to help us not only to make it through this life, but to make it through in a way that is pleasing to Him. So, we can stop making excuses for what we haven’t accomplished, and start using the power God has graciously given us to make us more and more like Christ.

     Every Believer is called to make every effort to add godliness to our faith; it’s not just what we believe, but also the actions and lifestyle that accompany our faith. In other words, we must be intentional about doing whatever it takes to make our lives align with Jesus Christ. Don’t run from it, remember that you have His divine help.

     So, as you’re planning your life changes for the new year, don’t forget to start the list off with pursuing a life of godliness, and watch everything else on your list fall into place.

   Stay safe, stay healthy, and be blessed!    
